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Legal information

### Company information

Saint Laurent Telecom is a registered company operating in three cities in Cameroon: Douala, Yaoundé and Sangmélima.

### Contact

- Head office* : Sangmélima

- Phone*: +237 6 91 25 01 04

- *Email*

### General Manager

M Laurent

### Publication Director

DREAM SMART IT SERVICES SARL, in its capacity as Expert Consultant, is the publishing director of the Saint Laurent Telecom website.

### Hosting

The website is hosted by LWS, headquartered at RUE PENTHIEVRE 75008 PARIS FRANCE.

### Intellectual Property

The content of this site, including texts, images and logos, is the property of Saint Laurent Telecom. Any reproduction, even partial, is strictly forbidden.

### Personal Data

In accordance with the law, Saint Laurent Telecom is committed to protecting the confidentiality of its users' personal data. For more information, please consult our privacy policy.